An Unhurried Journal
glad you're here
On New Seasons, New Winds
“In art, we do not obliterate the darkness. Art is an attempt to define the boundaries of the darkness.” ~Makoto Fujimura
Must Reads
3 Tips for a Slow-Lived 2023
"The best things in life aren't things." ~Art Buchwald
So we’re already a few days into the...
3 Things Everyone Should Know About Slow Living
Good Things Given
A Few Thoughts on Creating
"Sooner or later, every person feels this desire to plant something. It is the return to...
Morning Thoughts
On Being Made
5 Daily Habits for a Life-Giving Home
Cultivate peace and life for your family as a homemaker so you can finally stop living in anxiety and overwhelm.
Learn the 5 daily habits every homemaker needs so you go from overwhelmed, frazzled mother to the life-giving placemaker the Lord has called you to be.
Learn the 5 Daily Habits for a Life-Giving Home